The Secret Garden

Embark on a metaphysical journey into magical, unknown worlds!

We first meet Frankie, a tortured soul who gets a second chance at life after meeting William during their metaphysical spy adventure, in Heaven & Earth. In The Secret Garden, her journey continues into Agartha, the unknown world located in the center of planet earth. There they have a baby together and restart their lives in this mystical, enchanted land.

In order to orient themselves to this new realm, teachers Samantha and Shaari guide Frankie and William through the human Chakra system. After they rewrite their soul contracts, both Frankie and William must confront their past to further their spiritual and personal growth. Along the way, they meet a frightening forty-thousand-year-old dragon called the Oracle who guides them to confront and release their individual demons. Their metaphysical adventure continues as they face the many challenges of raising their daughter Ariel in Agartha.

An enchanting story that’s masterfully told, The Secret Garden is the second book of a twelve-part series taking readers through unexpected magical metaphysical worlds that will leave you on the edge of your seat wondering what’s next.



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