In Search of Eden

Embark on metaphysical journey into a magical world!

Brian leads a quiet, common life in Chicago with his strong-willed wife Liz. She is three months pregnant and with bags packed in a U-Haul and a great deal of youthful optimism, they head west to Flagstaff, Arizona to pursue new teaching jobs. One of their many stops is to drop off Liz’s childhood friend, Char, in St. Louis. Along the way, Liz shares several disturbing reoccurring dreams about the end of the world.

On the road, they pick up a hitchhiker named Francis, a cheerful and engaging older man. Sharing their challenges of life, all three discover their humanity. Francis tells the story of how these pressures took him down the path of alcoholism and addiction. When Francis sobered up, he discovered a new metaphysical world full of surprises.

As he shared his adventures with Liz, a dogmatic Christian, he is met with great resistance as they debate their conflicting views of spirituality. Brian tries to stay neutral and out of the crossfire but is eventually forced to take a side. Throughout the story, Liz must reexamine her life while encountering fantastical and impossible events.

An enchanting adventure that’s masterfully told, In Search of Eden accounts a profound experience of discovering unexpected, magical, and metaphysical worlds.



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