Being Human

Book three in our metaphysical journey continues with the adventures of two twenty-one-year-old sisters, Ariel and Jasmine. Being twins with two different mothers, they are opposite, a yin yang of each other. At first, they don’t get along, but as time passes, they bond as two haves that make a whole. The girls are presented with many challenges, learning from each other, using their unique perspectives to provide great adventures for the reader.

Born on Middle Earth, Ariel experiences the surface world for the first time. She explores the nature of our modern world with high expectations, constantly being surprised by what’s around the next corner. Yet, her personality is innocent and pure, always dressed in white. She looks like a cross between the little mermaid and sailor moon, wearing a crescent moon decoration or jewel on her forehead. Her mother was a Russian assassin who had a difficult life.

Jasmine is a gritty, street-smart, savvy woman who knows the world’s darkness. She has long auburn hair, always dresses in black, wears boots, and dons a black leather jacket. She thinks on her feet while rescuing Ariel as they bond, learning about each other’s world. Her mother is a born-again Christian who is a spoiled brat, continually harassing her about going to church and dealing with the devil.

This story has many twists and turns as Grandma Rose becomes a guide to the twins, sharing her unique metaphysical knowledge. The girls face many challenges as Ariel explores her humanity. They tackle such issues as vanity, a fear-based world, judgment, prejudice, pain, and suffering.



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